How to Study for GATE Exam?

How to Study for GATE Exam?

First of all, we would want to tell you studying all day long is very unproductive  & it won’t help you in any way. The trick is to make the study time shorter but effective.

Here are some Tips to Study Effectively & Finish your Syllabus before time.

  • Study Smaller Portions at One Go: Study Smaller portions of Syllabus every day instead of taking on huge portions. If you will hurry up with the syllabus you will be able to retain a very little bit of it.


  • Focus on Core Material: Divide Study material into 2 categories – Core & Elaborative material. The core material consists of important principles, concepts, formulae, etc while the latter consists of the remaining portion of the syllabus which is less important. Also, observe the pattern of previous year papers and make sure you do not spend much time on topics that are unlikely to be asked in the exam. Subscribe TestUrSelf’s Study Materials. We have been launched Study Materials for each section (Metallurgical Engineering & Engineering Sciences).


  • Shift Between Subject Categories: Divide the subjects into 2 categories – Memory dependant subjects & Problem-solving subjects. For most effective studying alternate between each subject category.


  • Take Regular Breaks: If your mind doesn’t take a break, the next round of studying isn’t going to be effective. Also, if you use break time to discuss the syllabus with your friends then your mind is not on a break.


  • Understand & Write: Read important points aloud & then write them down. This makes sure you SEE the point, HEAR it & WRITE them too.


  • Take Notes: Do you make notes? No? Well, you should adapt to this habit of making notes now. Proper note-making is very important for effectively completing the subject.


  • Use Visual Cues for Learning Better: Write down important formulae & other important tit-bits on a sheet of paper and stick them on a wall so that it remains in front of your eyes for most of the time. This will help you learn better.


  • Don’t Study More than 2 hours at one go: The optimal period of continuous studying is 2 hours. Each period of 2 hours can be broken into 25 mins slots of solid studying followed by 5 mins break.


  • Revise within 24 Hours: You should not miss the 3 Rs – Recap, Review & Reinforce. Any new information you learn needs to Recapped, Reviewed & Reinforced within 24 hours in order to retain in your memory.


  • Join Online Test Series: Can understand Ur weakness and strength. And then you can work on the. The Test Series of sectionwise are live now so join asap and ace the GATE 2020 exam.


  • Sleep Well: Always remember it is the proper sleep that turns your short term memory into the long term. So take at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.


TestUrSelf Free Open Tests are Live now so attempt them.

Wish you all best of luck for Ur preparation. Don’t take stress and do hard hard till the exam.

TestUrSelf Team





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