Insights from GATE 2024 Metallurgy Topper (AIR-1): Interview Insights

Get ready to be inspired as we dive into the journey of the top scorer in GATE 2024 Metallurgy. In this exclusive interview, discover the secrets behind their success, straight from the topper’s own words. Whether you’re aiming for the top spot or simply seeking motivation, this interview offers valuable insights and tips for your GATE preparation journey.

GATE 2024 Metallurgy Topper (AIR-1): Hrutidipan Pradhan

Congratulations on achieving AIR – 1 in GATE Metallurgy 2024! What was your reaction when you found out?
Thanks, I had a mixed feeling.First of all I was surprised, I was expecting under 10 rank but not AIR-1. Then I reverified by logging in to the website again. Then after that I became satisfied and happy.
Can you share your educational background and branch of engineering?
I am currently in my final year of my college. I am pursuing Bachelor of Technology in Mineral and metallurgical Engineering from IIT(ISM), Dhanbad.
How long did you prepare for GATE Metallurgy, and what was your study schedule like?
I started preparing seriously in my 3rd year of engineering, so it was approximately a 1 year journey. As I had my semester classes ongoing so I had different plans for weekdays and different plans for weekends. On an average I always tried to give 7 hours daily for GATE preparation.
Looking back, what are some key strategies you used that helped you achieve such a high rank?
One major strategy is to be consistent in your preparation. One should not take long gaps from his preparation as it hampers the momentum of your preparation and it is tough to regain the momentum after a long break.
Did you face any challenges during your preparation? How did you overcome them?
Yes, when I used to give mock tests initially I observed that I was loosing some marks in silly mistakes, I overcame that by noting the mistakes in a separate notebook so that next time the mistakes should not be repeated. This way I improved my accuracy during my mock tests. Also I was a not sure about my syllabus completion, so to find out this I gave a lot of mock tests and practice questions to know which topics are still left behind.
How did you achieve the top rank in GATE Metallurgy 2024?
Repeated exam analysis and accuracy along with confidence during exam helped me to achieve good rank.
What advice would you give to GATE aspirants who are aiming for a top rank?
Just be consistent in preparation stage, do exam analysis properly.Spend at least 2 to 3 hours in analysis the mock test after you attempt them, maintain a separate notebook for the same and try to cover the uncovered topics that you found out during the analysis on that day itself, this will reduce the amount of overburden later.
What role did TestUrSelf play in your GATE preparation?
I had taken the test series and practise question series (PQS) of testurself. The quantity and quality of questions in both of these was very good. The test series and practise questions helped me to find out my weak and strong topics and thus helped me to decide which topic I need to focus more on.
How did you utilize TestUrSelf effectively for GATE Metallurgy preparation?
I tried to solve every question on practise set and every mock test from the test series. The more I solved questions the more I got to know new strategies that I can implement on the exam day. The inbuilt analysis section feature also helped to save a lot of time during my mock test analysis.
Can you share any specific features of TestUrSelf that were particularly beneficial for GATE Metallurgy preparation?
The questions given here are very relevant for metallurgy students as this will also be helpful to cover a lot of concepts through the questions. Students will also get to know many new formulas which they can note down in their notebooks.
How did you stay motivated and disciplined throughout your GATE preparation journey?
Stay humble, do not show anyone that you are preparing for GATE exam except your parents. This will reduce the extra stress of burden about others opinion and also consume Spiritual content and spiritual songs, this will elevate your consciousness during preparation stage and you will be more disciplined.Lastly do your best and leave the results to God. And again be consistent.
Did the TestUrSelf meet your expectation?

Maximize Your Success: Why Choose TestUrSelf for GATE 2025 Metallurgy Exam Prep

Choosing TestUrSelf for your GATE 2025 Metallurgy exam preparation is a strategic decision that can significantly enhance your chances of success. Here’s why:

1. Comprehensive Study Materials: TestUrSelf offers meticulously curated study materials specifically tailored for the GATE Metallurgy exam. These materials cover all the essential topics and concepts in detail, ensuring you have a solid understanding of the syllabus.

2. Expert Guidance: With TestUrSelf, you gain access to expert guidance from experienced faculty members who have a deep understanding of the GATE exam pattern and requirements. They provide valuable insights, tips, and strategies to help you navigate the exam effectively.

3. Unique Approach: TestUrSelf adopts a student-centered approach, focusing on individual learning needs and preferences. Rather than relying solely on standard textbooks, TestUrSelf provides original and impactful study material that merges expert knowledge with practical insights, helping you grasp concepts more effectively.

4. Practice Quizzes and Mock Tests: TestUrSelf offers a plethora of practice quizzes and mock tests designed to assess your understanding, reinforce concepts, and track your progress. These quizzes mimic the actual exam environment, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and time constraints.

5. Concise Revision Notes: TestUrSelf provides concise and comprehensive revision notes that aid in quick recall of formulas and concepts. These notes cover both technical and non-technical subjects, serving as a useful reference to reinforce fundamental knowledge required for the exam.

6. Updated Content: The study materials provided by TestUrSelf are regularly updated to keep pace with any changes or updates to the GATE exam syllabus. This ensures that you are always equipped with the latest and most relevant study material.

7. Track Your Progress: With TestUrSelf, you can easily track your progress and identify areas where you need improvement. The platform provides detailed analytics and performance reports, allowing you to focus your efforts on areas that require more attention.

In conclusion, TestUrSelf offers a comprehensive and student-centered approach to GATE 2025 Metallurgy exam preparation, providing expert guidance, original study materials, practice quizzes, and updated content to maximize your chances of success.

Which institute is going to conduct GATE 2021? Will the GATE 2021 be easy this time?

GATE Exam is mainly conducted by a GATE committee associated with MHRD, there is also an organising institute – 7 oldest IITs and IISc in a repeating manner.

Here is the list of organising institute:


Institute Year
IIT Delhi 2020
IIT Madras 2019
IIT Guwahati 2018
IIT Roorkee 2017
IISc Bangalore 2016
IIT Kanpur 2015
IIT Kharagpur 2014
IIT Bombay 2013
IIT Delhi 2012
IIT Madras 2011
IIT Guwahati 2010
IIT Roorkee 2009
IISc Bangalore 2008
IIT Kanpur 2007


From above table, we can see that there is a following a sequence, according it, GATE 2021 will be conducted by IIT Bombay.

Remember that GATE 2013 Exam was conducted by IIT Bombay and below you see that the highest marks in different papers.


Paper with code Highest Marks
Biotechnology (BT) 78.67
Chemical Engineering (CH) 77.67
Chemistry (CY) 69.67
Mechanical Engineering ()ME 88.67
Metallurgical Engineering ()MT 71.67
Engineering Sciences ()XE 63.33
Life Sciences (XL) 71.67


The highest marks are quite low if you compare with other years, hence we can conclude and expect that GATE 2021 will NOT be that much easy. So you will have to more concentrate on NUMERICAL parts if you want to score good in GATE 2021. Also prepare a notes for it and revise them on the regular basis.

Join Learn Concepts through Questions (LCTQ) course to prepare well for GATE 2021. Here you can find more details about this course-CLICK HERE

Happy Preparation!


How Education Can Lift People from Poverty ?

“Education is not a way to escape poverty; it is a way of Fighting it”. The power of education is irrefutable across the world, both socially and personally, in both developing and developed countries. In fact, Education can be denoted as the only pathway to human development. It is believed that ensuring quality education for all is not only essential to accomplish the set developmental Goals but is equally indispensable to end the extreme poverty.

Education can certainly be the catalyst required to liberate the families and communities from the shackles of poverty. Knowledge bestows children with the power to dream of a better future and the confidence required to pursue adequate education, which in turn will help generations to come. This is not yet, a well-educated person can make significant changes in his/her life, particularly when it applies to day-to-day life activities – such as nutrition, healthcare and gender equality. If our roots are strengthened, it is likely that the fruits will be healthier and nutritious.

Education plays a vital role when it comes to reducing and preventing global poverty. It’s time for us to realize the importance of education and begin investing in it significantly. Providing education to every citizen of the country is the only way to ensure that poverty declines. Let’s have a look at some of the most significant ways education helps control poverty:

Increases Income:
If we go by the Research, an extra year of schooling can boost the income by at least 10%. In fact, just two more years at secondary schooling could help lift a lot of people out of poverty. If a person gets educated, he not only gains more knowledge but also imbibes good skills which all together leads to an increased productivity. Educated people will look out for better ways to diversify their sources of income. One should not forget that people with even a little education are more flexible to changes like economic, personal etc.
Empowers Women and Girls:
It’s well-said that ‘If you educate a man, you educate an individual. But if you educate a woman, you educate a family & a Nation. One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can Change the World”.

Education does play a vital role in empowering girls and women. Mothers who can take better decisions for their families can extremely impact that push out of poverty. Education is the key for women to achieve economic independence. They gain the power that enables them to take decisions of their lives. For instance, they can choose to have fewer children and ensure better facilities for them such as vaccines, medical care, better nutrition and above all Education.

Therefore, to breakdown the shackles of poverty and inequality being followed from generations, it is important that the women of the house are educated.

Enables a Healthy Lifestyle:
Education enhances people’s knowledge of how to live a healthy lifestyle. Educated people have better awareness about what kinds of food are nutritious and what precautions they need to take to avoid health-related problems. A healthy lifestyle is all about how educated you are about your surroundings and day-to-day activities. For instance, educated mothers are the first doctors of their families – they know how to keep their families safe and protected from any unhealthy and adulterated meal.
It all sums up to one thing ‘Education can help us eradicate poverty and liberate people from its bounds’. It’s time to realize the True Significance of Education and use it as a Weapon to fight poverty & walk the path of a better, healthier and prosperous life.

-Keep educating UrSelf and Ur society!


How to Study for the Exams- A Fruitful Technique!

For many of students, exams can be stressful. Today, we introduce you to a novel time management technique called the Pomodoro Technique. Managing time is one of the biggest problems while preparing for exams. And this technique is an effective strategy to deal with this issue.

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

Author and time management expert Francesco Cirillo invented the Pomodoro Technique in the early 90s. He named the technique “Pomodoro” after his tomato-shaped timer. The technique is known for its simplicity. All you got to do is divide your task into smaller tasks that you can accomplish in time intervals. Each time interval is called a  “Pomodoro”. These intervals are spaced out by short breaks. The only rule is you don’t do anything else during your Pomodoro session except for the task you have taken up.


How to study using the Pomodoro Technique?


What is the Logic behind the Pomodoro Technique?

  • Short breaks help you concentrate better
  • This work-break-work pattern helps stay motivated
  • The Pomodoro Technique is known to improve decision-making
  • It helps fight the stress of time management

Do not worry if you find it difficult to do four Pomodoros right from the beginning. Even two sessions at a go is a good start. If you are one of those people who get easily distracted, especially while preparing for exams, then its time you try the Pomodoro Technique.

Join today TestUrSelf to ensure success in Exams!

Happy Preparations!


TestUrSelf GATE 2020 Topper’s Interview Jaya Gupta (AIR 1 MT)

GATE is the biggest exam for every Metallurgical Engineer who is among to secure a job in government PSU such as IOCL, BIS, NALCO, SAIL, BARC, BEMRC or pursue higher studies in the most prestigious institutes such as IISc, IITs, NITs etc. Every year over 3.5 thousands candidates appear for the GATE exam and strive to fulfil their dreams. This year GATE 2020 was conducted on 1st Feb and the final results was declared on 13th March in which Jaya Gupta achieved AIR 1 in GATE 2020 Metallurgical Engineering exam.


GATE 2020 Success story of Jaya Gupta


TestUrSelf: Kindly introduce UrSelf?
Jaya Gupta: I am Jaya Gupta from Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh. My father’s name is Mr. Vijay Kumar Gupta and my mother’s name is Mrs. Uma Gupta. Currently I am pursuing B.Tech in the stream of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering from National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology (NIFFT), Ranchi. I did my 10th and 12th from Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Shahjahanpur. My hobbies include sketching and playing badminton.
TestUrSelf: Ur GATE Rank with Year?
Jaya Gupta: AIR 1 in GATE 2020
TestUrSelf: Kindly tell us about Ur journey and the experience during the preparation for the GATE Exam?
Jaya Gupta: Throughout this journey of my preparation for GATE Exam, one needs to stay motivated and there are times when a person feels low, starts to doubt their abilities but I was fortunate that I had the support of my family and especially my brother Keshav Gupta. The efforts if done in the wrong direction yield no fruit and for that I am thankful to my professors at NIFFT, seniors Samarjeet Kumar Singh and Ravi Raj and my friend Divya Prakash Srivastava for guiding me in the right direction. I followed a particular strategy for my preparation of GATE 2020, which comprised of three stages.In the first stage, I developed the basic understanding of all the topics and cleared all my concepts from standard books, then in the second read I prepared notes from the standard books and in the final month of preparation I revised those notes and gave mock tests.
TestUrSelf: What inspired you for attempting GATE Exam?
Jaya Gupta: I appeared in GATE Exam as it is a pathway for both higher studies in India and jobs in PSUs.
TestUrSelf: When did you start Ur preparation for GATE 2020?
Jaya Gupta: I paid attention to the class lectures which helped me in clearing my concepts of the subject but I started serious preparation for GATE 2020 from mid of third year of B.Tech.
TestUrSelf: How did TestUrSelf help you in Ur preparation?
Jaya Gupta: The test series of TestUrSelf was very helpful as it helped in analysing my weak and strong topics. It provided a similar platform as the actual GATE exam and helped in clearing my doubts. The test series had a range of questions from easy to hard which made me mentally strong to tackle any sort of paper in the actual exam.
TestUrSelf: Kindly tell us a few words regarding TestUrSelf?
Jaya Gupta: TestUrSelf is an amazing platform especially for metallurgy students who are preparing for gate examination. The test series and STUDY materials, it offers for gate metallurgy paper is great and it immensely helps the aspiring students to get a decent rank in the gate examination. TestUrSelf not only provides the best possible collection of questions but also a self-understandable solution which helps in analyzing the mock tests effectively and efficiently.
TestUrSelf: Kindly give some tips for upcoming aspirants!
Jaya Gupta: Always prepare to get 100 percent marks in the exam, as I firmly believe that if you aim for the sky you will definitely reach the clouds. Remember to be confident, never lose hope, maintain consistency and don’t worry about the result during preparation.